

Measurements in grams unless otherwise indicated.µg = micrograms 1µg = 40 IU

Vitamin A, (µg retinol) µg Adequate Intake - 40; Recommended Daily Allowance - 50;Safe Upper Limit - 2,099 (IU)
Vitamin D3, (Cholecalciferol) µg Adequate Intake - 0.36; Recommended Daily Allowance - 0.45; Safe Upper Limit - 2.6
Vitamin E, (alpha tocopheral), mg Adequate Intake - 0.8; Recommended DailyAllowance - 1.0
Vitamin K, (menadione) mg Adequate Intake - 0.043; Recommended Daily Allowance - 0.054
Thiamin, mg Adequate Intake - 0.059; Recommended Daily Allowance - 0.074
Riboflavin, mg Minimum Requirement - 0.138; Recommended Daily Allowance - 0.171
Pyridoxine, (B6) mg Minimum Requirement - 0.04; Recommended Daily Allowance - 0.049
Niacin, (B3) mg Adequate Intake - 0.45; Recommended Daily Allowance - 0.57
Pantothenic Acid, (B5) mg Minimum Requirement - 0.39; Recommended Daily Allowance - 0.49
Folic Acid, (B9) µg Minimum Requirement - 7.1; Recommended Daily Allowance 8.9
Biotin, (B7) aka, Vitamin H; For normal diets not containing raw egg white, adequate biotin is probably by microbial synthesis in the intestine. Diets containing antibiotics may need supplementation
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine) µg Adequate Intake - 0.92; Recommended Daily Allowance - 1.15 Choline mg Minimum Requirement - 45; Recommended Daily Allowance - 56

Vitamin C, (ascorbic acid) The liver of cats and dogs have the key enzyme L-gulono-Y-lactone oxidase, (EC 1.1. 3.8), which is able to synthesize the needed ascorbic acid from glucose. The NRC warns against high intake of ascorbic acid, stating the following: "High intake of ascorbic acid may act as a prooxidant and induce lipid peroxidation." This includes Fenton's reaction, which will enhance iron absorption and cause a resulting overdose of this mineral. This reaction is reduced with an increase in Vitamin E levels in the diet. (page 234).


Julzy said...

I'm not sure why you have a note about cats and Vitamin C here with the dog RDAs...

FacingReality said...
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FacingReality said...

A bit late to the party, but this page still came up pretty high on Google. So: The amounts for things like Vitamin A and E seem confusing. Unless I'm being dense/missing something, it's recommending 80,000 IU of Vit. A for a 40 kg dog (WAY higher than a human dose)??

50 micrograms x 40 IU per microgram x 40 kg body weight. Yet the safe upper limit is 2099 IU (presumably regardless of body weight, otherwise it'd still be crazy high).

Also, with Vit. E: Recommended is 1 mg. IF we're going by the same microgram to IU conversion: 1 mg = 1000 µg x 40 IU per µg = 40,000 IU!

It says amounts are per kg of body weight except where indicated, and on the vitamin section such an exception doesn't appear to be indicated. Perhaps it should've been? Or at least some additional explanation/references to the IU conversions for each vitamin (which apparently can vary).