

Measurements in grams unless otherwise indicated.
Calcium Minimum Requirement - 0.059; Recommended Daily Allowance - 0.13
Phosphorus Adequate Intake - 0.10; Recommended Daily Allowance - 0.10
Potassium Adequate Intake - 0.14; Recommended Daily Allowance - 0.14
Sodium(mg) Minimum Requirement - 9.85; Recommended Daily Allowance - 26.2
Chloride(mg) Adequate Intake - 40; Recommended Daily Allowance - 40
Magnesium(mg) Minimum Requirement - 5.91; Recommended Daily Allowance - 19.7
Iron(mg) Adequate Intake - 1.0; Recommended Daily Allowance - 1.0
Copper(mg) Adequate Intake - 0.2; Recommended Daily Allowance - 0.2
Iodine(µg) Minimum Requirement - 23.6; Recommended Daily Allowance - 29.6
Zinc (mg)Adequate Intake - 2.0; Recommended Daily Allowance - 2.0
Manganese(mg) Adequate Intake - 0.16; Recommended Daily Allowance - 0.16
Selenium(µg)Adequate Intake - 11.8; Recommended Daily Allowance - 11.8


Kemp Hiatt said...

Are you sure that's grams, and not milligrams? A dog should be eating an ounce of sodium per day?

Pat said...

As stated in the beginning of the section, "unless otherwise indicated" and at the beginning of the line it indicates "mg." What are you missing here?